

Create your account

Create an organization for free via our dashboard


Create a project

  • Click the “Create project” button on the top right hand side of your dashboard
  • Add your project name, environment type, and network
  • Upon creation, an API key and transaction wallet will be generated for you automatically. If you ever need to, in the future, you can add additional networks. Contact us to learn more.

Add funds to your transaction wallet

You’ll need to add tokens to your transaction wallet in order to broadcast your first transaction. Within your new project, select the “Wallets & Gas” tab If your transaction wallet is on a testnet, first find a faucet and add your testnet tokens to your new transaction broadcasting wallet. Here are a few faucets to check out:

Manually topping up transaction broadcasting wallets to handle gas costs can be a nuisance. If you’re interested in having Syndicate manage gas for you, reach out to us.


Use Syndicate API to call a test contract

Use the script below to mint an NFT from one of our test contracts:

1curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY' \
2-H "Content-type: application/json" \
3-d '{
4"projectId": "PROJECT_ID",
5"contractAddress": "CONTRACT_ADDRESS",
6"chainId": CHAIN_ID,
7"functionSignature": "mint(address account)",
8"args": {
9 "account": "0xAddressToReceiveNFT",
11}' \

Be sure to replace API_KEY, PROJECT_ID, and CHAIN_ID, 0xAddressToReceiveNFT, according to your project’s credentials. Replace CONTRACT_ADDRESS with one of the test contracts corresponding to your project.

ChainContract address
Arbitrum Nova0xf15ae576A2D856E9A3643B60C21749f8CdbD7D4b
Arbitrum One0xf15ae576A2D856E9A3643B60C21749f8CdbD7D4b
Arbitrum Sepolia0xf15ae576A2D856E9A3643B60C21749f8CdbD7D4b
Avalanche Fuji0xf15ae576A2D856E9A3643B60C21749f8CdbD7D4b
Base Sepolia0x52962dd492dDDef76d4eFb2bB7E505aeAE4554A1
ETH Mainnet0x63ab3758FF9d32dDc8c560cD1692Ce90A6c211E3
ETH Sepolia0xB94ef4731Ecb56283512ea9E2Ddd7315Fd36359d
Optimism Sepolia0xf15ae576A2D856E9A3643B60C21749f8CdbD7D4b
Optimism Mainnet0xf15ae576A2D856E9A3643B60C21749f8CdbD7D4b
Polygon Amoy0xcF4d532a981a34411E6A6147D242512E669E13c3
Polygon Mainnet0x9B78E31D4805fa785d52912290A9F58102963C23
Syndicate Frame0x2160C427deA2D8441534051dE8440398e5f96dA0

Learn about Transaction Broadcasting

Learn about Signing & Attestations

Learn about Webhooks